Kicking up a storm
How comfortable are you with kicking up a storm?Posted on 20 December 2023
The hidden cost of left brain dominance
Left-brain dominance, often celebrated for its role in success, has a hidden toll on our world.Posted on 20 October 2023
Accessing intuitive wisdom
Research involving in-depth interviews with Nobel Laureates and creative people of similar standing (Dorfler and Eden, 2011) show that no significant creative result has been achieved in any other way than by means of intuition.Posted on 26 May 2023
The Wild Voice
We are not machines. If we do not listen to the needs of the soul, identifying only with the intellect and the ego’s need for control, life becomes predictable and meaningless.Posted on 28 April 2023
Success comes to those who persevere when things gets tough.Posted on 31 March 2023
IWD 2023 The Coronation Coin
Patriarchy strips the soul in both men and women. It is a power game where there are no real winners.Posted on 10 March 2023