NEW NextGen Awakened Leader Program

Going beyond boundaries and empowering our leaders of tomorrow.

"To become a leader, you must first become a human being."


The NextGen Awakened Leader Program brings together a group of like-minded emerging leaders who want to connect more deeply in order to create real success and shape a brighter future for everyone.

Watch intro video: Do you want to be a great leader?

Discover the leader you know you can be

The Awakened Leader Program is a profound exploration of self-discovery and growth to help you become an outstanding leader in your field. It generates deep learning and gives you the support for lasting integration and application. Unlike many other leadership programs that condense learning into just a few days and leave you to find your own way to realise your value.

The combination of personalised coaching and a collaborative network of like-minds facilitates real depth of change and accelerates your growth. To provide the necessary depth of connection, places on the program are limited to 12 people. This way you will get the encouragement and challenge you need to develop yourself to a whole new level.

The program consists of three modules over 18 months that focus on specific topics in a continuous development curriculum with personal coaching to embed and accelerate learning. You can sign up for all three modules or one at a time. Each module runs for 6 months following the same format of half-day online development sessions and an hour of 1-1 coaching every month.

Register for our first module Leading Self beginning on 23rd May 2024

What you will gain

In a world desperate for leaders who can bring about better ways of working and living, this progressive program digs deep to bring insight and development in the following key areas: 

Want to learn more about my approach?

Tap into the infinite wisdom of the unconscious mind and shift your leadership to a higher gear.

Listen to the Awakened Leader Podcast Episode 1: Leading beyond ego

Watch intro video: Do you want to be a great leader?

Download your free guide Awaken the Unconscious 

Module Dates 2024/25

The online program modules run on the third Thursday of each month from 9am - 12.30pm on following dates in 2024 / 2025:

Cohorts are limited to 12 participants.

Introductory Offer: £3,750 per module (includes 6 hours of 1-1 coaching and 6 seminars)

Register for next module Leading Self beginning in May 2024

What previous clients have said about my leadership programs

"Juliette has an unerring ability to get to the root cause of any issues, gave immediate insight into my relationship with my team and offered practical and effective solutions to those issues with a profound and positive effect. I can't recommend Juliette highly enough!"

Alex Ruston, MD Precision Lighting and Remote Controlled Lighting

"By guiding me to better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, Juliette has helped me discover a new found confidence at work. This has resulted not only in an acceleration of my career but has also given me greater thoughtfulness and balance in my personal life. Juliette's coaching program has been genuinely life changing."

Andrew Dix, Director of Software Engineering, EditShare

"I count myself incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Juliette. The growth I experienced has been incredible. Juliette coached me to a place of empathy so the growth and healing I experienced came from a positive place. She also taught me the tools I would need to continue growing and self-improve. I cannot thank Juliette enough."

Jude Kington-Duong, Scrum Master, Rolls Royce

Ready to take your leadership journey to new heights?

Join The Awakened Leader Program to discover your leadership potential and shape a brighter future.

Register for our first module Leading Self beginning May 2024

Does your leadership team have specific challenges with cohesion, innovation or communication? Take a look at The Awakened Leader Program for Organisations

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