"The dream is a little, hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into the cosmic night." Carl G Jung
Dreams are our inner voice of truth. They radically increase awareness revealing feelings and emotions about life situations that we are often unaware of. Sometimes they are even prophetic or visionary.
My fascination with dreams began in childhood. We often talked about our dreams in my family but it wasn't until later in life, my awakening at thirty, that I realised my natural affinity with the dream world was an important spiritual path in itself. By consciously working with my dreams, I discovered an inner source of guidance and wisdom that led my healing process and showed me how to create a completely different life and work in the world.
Dreams are a natural part of life and we all dream however many people don't pay attention to this vital guidance. Every symbol and every image that appears in your dreams has a certain relevance to your life. These symbols contain wisdom from the depths of the unconscious mind and are the psyche’s most natural way of bringing balance, insight and creativity into your life. Many of our problems are a result of losing contact with this inner voice. Dreams are there to guide and offer us emotional and psychological support to help us in our day to day life. Some dreams are affirming the course you have chosen is correct, others are compensating bringing balance into an area of your life that's out of kilter.
Dreams belong to the realm of the imagination. Its through your own creative work with them that you will bring them alive and benefit most from their transformative effect. Inner alchemy takes place continuously in our dreams and can effect profound healing if we know how to work this insight.
So given dreams contain powerful messages, how do you work out what they are trying to tell you?
I have kept a dream journal for over twenty years and teach my clients how to use their dreams to effect deep personal change. I have several dream podcasts you might enjoy and The Centre for Aplied Jungian Studies have a free guide. If you want to explore working with me to uncover the wisdom in your dreams then do get in touch.
It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth sometimes makes its way to the surface.
Virginia Woolf